Dedication of Kate’s Corner at the Cavendish Fletcher Community Library

CAVENDISH, Vt. – On Sunday, Sept. 22, at 1 p.m., The Cavendish Fletcher Community Library will be dedicating Kate’s Corner, their new early literacy space, in loving memory of Kate Lorenz. Kate was a former student at Cavendish Town Elementary School. She was an early, enthusiastic, and avid reader, a collector of children’s literature, a devoted preschool teacher, a lover and patron of libraries, and an accomplished musician, who passed away in July 2022 at the age of 42.

After Kate’s death, the local Building for Books Fund donated $1,000 in her memory, to be used to create a special spot in the Cavendish Fletcher Community Library to honor her love and dedication to young children, and to early literacy development. The Building for Books donation, along with numerous donations from her friends and family, has enabled the library to greatly expand its early literacy collection of books, hands-on learning manipulatives, and resources for parents and care givers.

Please join us to celebrate Kate’s life, and to honor her for her contribution to the lives of young children and early literacy acquisition. Her wonderful uniqueness, deep love, caring dedication, and her beautiful sparkle lives on in Kate’s Corner at the Cavendish Fletcher Community Library, on Main Street in Proctorsville.

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