REGION – Construction season is off to a noticeable start this spring. On May 3, preparation began for repaving and bridge replacement projects along Route 11 from Chester to Springfield, continuing along Route 106 to the intersection of Route 10, following Route 10 all the way to the intersection of Route 103 in Chester.
The resurfacing projects along Routes 11, 106, and 10 are under one contract with Pike Industries. Along eight miles of Route 106 to Route 10, line removal operations and berm removal and ditching took place first along the routes.
Pike Industries will be using the Hot In-Place Recycling method – the process of reheating existing asphalt and adding a rejuvenating agent before laying it back down. An additional layer of bonded wearing course will cap the treatment. Along the routes, guardrails and signs may also be replaced. The target schedule for this project is from now until summer of 2022.
Along Route 11, between the intersections with 106 and 103, bridge replacement projects are starting. Bazin Brothers is contracted to replace Bridge 51 near Hall Road in Chester. They will be replacing an existing 10-foot, 8-inch wide by 6-foot, 11-inch high galvanized pipe arch. According to the Vermont Agency of Transportation, the existing culvert that was installed in 1965 is considered to be in serious condition based on an engineering study in 2017. The study also recommended replacement of the pipe by installing a new arch. The construction is scheduled from April through the fall of this year. For the duration of the project, expect one-way alternating traffic through the work zone.
In Springfield, Bridge 60 near Old Chester Road and Bridge 57 – approximately 1.25 miles from the intersection of Routes 11 and 106 – are part of a composite contract with Cold River Bridges. In the last couple of weeks, the contractor has created a temporary walkway by both bridges for pedestrian use.
With Bridge 57, the existing 132-foot-long culvert, installed in 1961, is in critical condition, which caused for emergency construction of the temporary bridge to safely maintain traffic for the duration of the project. The replacement project will consist of installing a new arch. Traffic will be maintained with one lane in each direction; however, there may be short-term lane closures periodically that could cause delays.
Bridge 60’s existing 152-foot-long culvert was also originally installed in 1961. Its condition is considered serious and will also be replaced with a new frame or arch construction. Like Bridge 57, traffic will be maintained with one lane in each direction with periodic lane closures. These construction projects will continue through the winter.
Construction continues along Route 131. Moderate delays are to be expected and drivers should be prepared to drive over paved, milled, and gravel surfaces along the route. A bridge deck replacement on Interstate-91 at Exit 8 in Ascutney could also affect travel on Route 131, as construction activities will take place underneath the interstate bridge as well.
The Vermont Highway Safety Alliance reminds everyone to drive safely through all work zones. Slow down to posted speed limits – and adjust for weather conditions. Minimize distraction, follow construction road signs, don’t crowd roadway workers or their equipment, and be patient and expect delays. For more information about planned projects in our area, go to