The Chester Alumni Parade is this Saturday, June 8. I thought it fitting to write some Chester High School history. This history is taken from a 1915 graduating class scroll in my collection.
The scroll is paper, measuring about 6 feet long when unrolled, and 8 ½ inches wide. At top and bottom are nicely turned wooden dowels, to which the paper is affixed. I bought it years ago from Ronnie Metzger. In part it reads:
“The Last Will and Testament of Class 1915
“We, the Class of 1915 of Chester High School, being in an infirm state of health, and sensible too, of our liability of sudden demise, at the same time being in our own apprehension of sound mind, do judge it best to make, and accordingly do hereby make this our last Will and testament.
“It is our will that all of our just debts and the charges for our obsequios be paid and discharged by our executor hereinafter named and appointed, out of our estate as soon as conveniently be after our decease, and we leave the charges of our solemnization rites to the direction of our said executor.
“We give, devise, and dispose of all our estate, real and personal (save what shall be necessary for the payment of our just debts and funeral charges) in the following manner.
“Item I.
“We give and devise to the class of 1916 the last two rows of seats on the left hand side of the main room, in the Chester High School Building, where the aforesaid class may enjoy the rights of Seniors.
“Item II.
“We devise and bequeath to the Class of 1916 all class moneys deposited in the Chester Bank, after paying all just debts and charges of our solemnization rites, a part of which is to be used for the purchase of speaking trumpets for timid freshmen.
“Item III.
“We devise and grant to Olive Douglas of Class 1918 the duty of instructing the entering class how to enter and leave the various rooms of the building in a manner suitable to the dignity of a High School student…
“Item V.
“We devise and bequeath the second row seat from the back, first row, on the left hand side of the main room, recently occupied by Vincent Lafountain, to Harold Tollerton, where the blue of the sky, the twittering of the birds, and the passing pedestrians may give him inspirations for the writing of English themes. It was our will that Lucretia Hubbard of class of 1918 might enjoy the associations of this seat of honor but find that the statutes prohibit a sophomore from occupying a Seniors seat…
“Item VII.
“To Dewuse Dewitt we give and grant the position of pianist for the ensuing year.
“Item VIII.
“We do hereby devise and bequeath to Chester High School, as our most valuable piece of property our good example is our request that this be used with especial care on the yearly trips to Washington, D.C….
“Item XIV.
“To Lloyd Martin of class 1917 we hereby bequeath the position of sub mascot on the Base Ball team so well filled by Westley Whitcomb.
“Item XV.
“We devise and bequeath to Hurbert Darrow of class 1916 the privilege of giving special attention to Cicero’s Orations during the coming school year remembering that all is fair in Love, Latin, and War…
“Item XVII.
“We give to Oscar Johnson of class 1916 whom we shall always remember as our Private Secretary, and whom we nominate and appoint executor of this our last will and testament, all our goods and chattels, and personal property of every kind whatsoever not otherwise disposed of by this our last will and testament.
“In testimony whereof we hereby set our hand and seal, and publish and declare this to be our last Will and Testament, this eighteenth day of June, in the year of our lord nineteen hundred and fifteen.”
I always walk in the parade dressed in my Civil War uniform. I am Class of 1969. I am approachable.
This week’s old saying: “Do you need a ladder to get off that high horse of yours?”