PROCTORSVILLE, Vt. – George Thomson, president of the Fletcher Farm Foundation, was pleased to present Amy McMullen, the library director of the Cavendish Fletcher Community Library, and Dave Gallagher, treasurer, with a check in the amount of $10,000 to support ongoing programs for both the community and the Cavendish Town Elementary School.
The library, which is legacy to the Fletcher family, was founded by Richard Fletcher, who was a former governor of Vermont. In his will, he offered “the major portion of his personal library and $2,000, providing within a year the town vote in Town Meeting to accept the offer and within two years establish a town library.” It was in March of 1870, at a special Town Meeting, that the vote was approved, with the bylaws of the library officially adopted in November of that year. Due to this wonderful gift, the Town of Cavendish has had a library for 144 years.