WESTMINSTER, Vt. – It’s been a long time, but with Covid-19 numbers apparently staying low in this region and vaccination numbers increasing, the Butterfield Library has reopened by appointment only as of Tuesday, May 4. Hours are Tuesday and Thursday from 1-6 p.m. Mondays may be added later if the level of use indicates that should be done.
For everyone’s safety and protection, commonly touched surfaces will be sanitized between visits and a few “rules of the road” will apply, all in keeping with current state guidelines.
Appointments will be one-half hour each, on the hour and half hour. In cases where there happens to be no gap between people leaving and arriving a short wait may be needed while surfaces are cleaned. Entry will be limited to one person at a time, or members of a single household. Hand sanitizers will be available for your use as desired. Masks will be required. We have disposable masks if you happen to forget yours. The upstairs children’s room and the basement library room will be closed to visitors, but library staff will get books for you from those locations. Other parts of the building remain closed to the public at this time but we hope to fully reopen soon.
Books can still be ordered and picked up “curbside” for folks who found that helpful. To make an appointment or to request a curbside pickup, call the library at 802-722-4891. If you call outside of open hours, please leave a message and someone will call you back to confirm when the library is open. Books being returned should still be placed in the drop box and not brought into the library; this allows for adequate time for books to be held separately before reentering circulation.
Also, remember that any library patron can access eBooks or audio books through the Green Mountain Library Consortium for free. Simply go to www.gmlc.overdrive.com, sign in, and select Butterfield Library. You’ll be taken to another page where you’ll be asked to enter your library card number, and you’ll then be able to download any of thousands of books for two-week loans.
“Wait! I have a library card number?” is a common reaction. If you’re a member, you do but you may not know what it is. In that case you can email the library at butterfieldlib05158@gmail.com or call 802-722-4891 to ask, and we’ll be happy to provide that to you.
If you are a Westminster resident but not a library member, no problem! You can become a member the same way, just email or call with your name, address, and contact information. All Westminster residents can become members for free.