BRGNS seeks directors from Plymouth and Mount Holly

LUDLOW, Vt. – Black River Good Neighbor Services Inc. is a Vermont corporation that qualifies under section 501(c)(3) as a charitable organization. It has been such since the 1980s and operates under a board of local volunteer directors. BRGNS’ service area covers Ludlow, Cavendish, Plymouth, and Mount Holly, and directors are drawn from these four communities. Currently there are openings on the board for people from both Plymouth and Mount Holly and the board is recruiting interested individuals to fill those slots.

The board meets once each month for about an hour. Every board member is expected to attend these meetings. The board provides direction to the organization by setting goals, enforcing policies, determining strategies, and enacting procedures for short- and long-term business continuation. Individual board members volunteer for a variety of jobs but choose how much or how little volunteering they are willing to take on.

If you live in Plymouth or Mount Holly and are interested in helping BRGNS meet its goals, and if you can take some time to volunteer each month, the organization needs you.

For more information on the organization or on the board, please call board President Lou Krefski at 802-975-0008. If interested in joining the board, you can submit an email indicating your interest and explaining your background credentials to Or you can send a letter and resume to BRGNS at 37B Main Street, Ludlow, VT 05149.

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