Bellows Falls Women’s Club December meeting

BELLOWS FALLS, Vt. – The members of the Bellows Falls Women’s Club will meet Tuesday, Dec. 14 at the United Church of Bellows Falls on School Street, beginning at 1:30 p.m. Masks are required at the meeting. Alma Beals will present a program on birds including habitat, feeding, and migration.

At the November 9 meeting, members perused several club scrapbooks beginning with the oldest from 1941-1942. The club was formed in 1901 and this form of documentation has preserved much of the club’s history. As they looked through the collection, members highlighted several significant club events and activities.

Present for the November meeting was Sue Monaco of the Poultney Women’s Club. She is spearheading GFWC-VT President Beverley Pallmerine’s project known as “Dress a Girl.” Dresses designed by a specific pattern are sown and given to young girls in developing countries – girls who are challenged by feelings of being unworthy and disrespected. Club women across Vermont are invited to host sewing workshops to construct the dresses. Sue showed samples of the dresses and presented the history of this project, speaking of the education component of the project, that of boosting the self-esteem and sense of confidence in girls.

Club members donated several bags and boxes of nonperishable food items that were subsequently delivered to the Fall Mountain Food Shelf.

The Bellows Falls Women’s Club is a member of the international General Federation of Women’s Clubs whose signature project is developing awareness and prevention of sexual abuse and domestic violence. The “Dress a Girl” program dovetails well with this global emphasis.

Women interested in joining the club and helping with its projects and community outreach may contact Betty Haggerty at

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