BELLOWS FALLS, Vt. – Members of the Bellows Falls Woman’s Club will meet on Dec. 10, at the United Church, School Street, beginning at 1:30 p.m. A Christmas party is planned.
At the Nov. 12 meeting, members heard a presentation given by Kathy Cray. She displayed her antique quilt, and her collection of early 1900s preprinted fabric panels, which could be stitched and made into dolls and small animals as playthings for children. Many of the features of the animals are sewn into the quilt. Also at the meeting, club members chose the name of a resident of Sterling House and/or of Morning Glory Manner for whom to buy a gift. Wrapped gifts should be brought to the December meeting for distribution to the homes and residents.
Club members were invited to attend Kurn Hattin’s annual holiday luncheon and concert on Dec. 13. Announced at the November meeting was the date of the Dec. 14 Parade of Lights event in the village, for which the club will furnish cookies for the Rotary Club’s warming tent. Also announced was Central School’s annual Shopping Day, Dec. 18, when the children may buy gifts for their family members; volunteers to wrap the gifts are needed. This fun event starts at 8:30 a.m.
The local club is a member of the General Federation of Women’s Clubs, an international women’s organization, whose signature project is domestic and sexual violence awareness and prevention.
Area women interested in joining the club and helping with its projects benefiting area communities may call Membership Chairman Sally McGaffigan at 603-445-2527.