SPRINGFIELD, Vt. – Classically trained professional actor and filmmaker Matt Munroe premiered his debut feature film, entitled “Dead English,” at Springfield Cinemas 3 last year. This year, he is launching a new acting class for both the novice and seasoned actor alike. The class, entitled “Training for the Actor,” will focus on scene study, character analysis, acting on camera and on stage, and the business of acting. A limited-time open house will be held on Saturday June 15, at 1 p.m. sharp, allowing interested individuals a free opportunity to learn how to earn acceptance into class at an extremely affordable six-month introductory rate. Classes begin officially in August. Interested parties are encouraged to email RSVP in advance to matt@mattmunroe.com, at which time the location of the open house will be shared.
Learn more about the class at www.mattmunroe.com/coaching.