Senior Solutions November updates

REGION – Below are Senior Solutions updates for the month of November.

Join Senior Solutions Memory Cafés

A Memory Café is a wonderfully welcoming place for caregivers and their loved ones who are challenged with forms of dementia or other cognitive disorders. It is a safe and comfortable space where caregivers and their loved ones can socialize, listen to music, play games, and enjoy other appropriate activities. Cafés provide mutual support, allow for the exchange of additional resources, and provide an opportunity to enjoy the company of those with common experiences. For more information on these programs or to be included in our upcoming cafés, contact Valerie Stuart at 802-338-6578, or email

A new Memory Café will be starting in Chester, Vt., on Dec. 7, from 11 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. This will be hosted at St. Luke’s in Willard Hall. Parking is in the back, and it is an easy walk to the door. It is open to the public at no cost. If you would like to attend or volunteer as an activity assistant, please contact Joann at, or text/call 802-733-7988. Volunteers will receive a short training session on Friday, Nov. 17, between 11 a.m. – 12 p.m. We ask only that you help one day a month for two hours. The more volunteers we have, the more we can do to make it a wonderful experience for the caregivers and their loved ones. The Memory Cafés will be held on the first Thursday of each month. Snacks and drinks are provided. We look forward to meeting each and every caregiver and loved one.


Senior Solutions 50th Anniversary Annual Meeting

The annual meeting will be held on Nov. 29, from 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. Coffee hour will be from 9-10 a.m. Dr. Renee Pepin, an assistant professor of community and family medicine at Dartmouth’s Centers for Health and Aging at the Geisel School of Medicine, will share her insight into the importance of social connectedness. Our staff, volunteers, community partners, and friends will be on hand to share the memories and accomplishments of the past year. We will award our Successful Aging Award in recognition of an outstanding individual who is at least 80 years old and lives in one of the 46 towns that we serve. We look forward to celebrating our 50 years of service, and to planning many more years of working with community partners to help Vermont adults age successfully. To RSVP, contact the front office at 802-731-9468, or go to and click the RSVP link in the article about our annual meeting.


Bridges Out of Poverty workshop

The Bridges Out of Poverty workshop hosted by Senior Solutions provides social service providers and community members with key insights into supporting individuals who have previously experienced or are experiencing poverty. Topics include increasing awareness of the differences in economic cultures, and how those differences affect opportunities for success. This workshop is designed for educators, community organizations, law enforcement, health care, and social service providers.

The event takes place Nov. 30, from 8:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m., at the American Legion in Chester, Vt. A light breakfast and lunch will be provided. Registration is discounted before Nov. 8. For more information, email

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