WESTON, Vt. – On Saturday, July 16, at 4 p.m., the Weston Historical Society will host author and historian Marty Podskoch who will give a presentation on the History of the Vermont Civilian Conservation Corps Camps. The presentation will take place at the Old Parish Church, on Route 100, in Weston, Vt.
There were approximately 30 VT towns with camps, including Weston. The Weston camp was located North of the village, on Route 155. The location is presently identified by a Vermont Historic Marker.
Marty Podskoch is a retired teacher from Delhi (Catskills, N.Y.), and is the author of eleven books on local history, many focusing on the CCC. He also writes a weekly column called “Adirondack Stories,” in five Adirondack newspapers. He is presently gathering information for future books on the 30 CCC camps in VT and the 70 camps in Mass. Mr. Podskoch is keenly interested in meeting individuals who may have CCC stories and photos to contribute to these books. Those that have information should contact him at 860-267-2442 or podskoch@comcast.net.
There is no cost to attend the presentation. Voluntary contributions to the WHS are appreciated.