Susan B. Anthony, failure is impossible

SPRINGFIELD, Vt. – Susan B. Anthony, portrayed by Sheryl Faye, will be performed at the Springfield Town Library on Wednesday, March 8, at 1 p.m.

Susan B. Anthony was a women’s rights activist who devoted her life to racial, gender, and educational equality. She is one of the most famous women in American history, she played a prominent role in the women’s suffrage movement; the 19th Amendment, which gave women the right to vote, and she also was in support of women’s labor organizations and a woman’s right to own property.

For over thirty years, Susan traveled the country ceaselessly working for women’s rights. In 1906, her health failing, Anthony addressed her last women’s suffrage convention. Although she sensed that the cause would not be won in her lifetime, she looked out across the assembled women and told them, “Failure is impossible.”

The library is located at 43 Main Street, Springfield, Vt. For more information contact 802-885-3108 or check the website at

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