Open House at the Athens Brick Meetinghouse

ATHENS, Vt. – The Athens Brick Meetinghouse will be the site of an old fashioned ice cream social on Sunday, July 21, from 2-4 p.m. The meetinghouse will be open for visitors to tour and learn more about this fascinating 1817 building. There will also be note cards available to purchase with pictures of the meetinghouse by the late Bill Sumner, renowned professional photographer.

The Athens Brick Meetinghouse is on the National Register of Historic Places, and is historically significant to the Windham County region. The Athens Meetinghouse came to be known as the “Mother Church” for the 12 towns of Grafton, Rockingham, Townshend, Londonderry, Weston, Chester, Acton, Springfield, Landgrove, Windham, Putney, and Mount Holly, which comprised the “Old Athens Circuit.” Circuit riders from Athens traveled out to these 12 towns by horse to perform religious services. Quarterly meetings with the Methodist congregants from these towns often lasted two days at the Athens Old Brick Church.

Originally erected to serve the spiritual needs of the residents of Athens and surrounding towns, the large open sanctuary which boasted a high pulpit, box pews, long side galleries, and a handsome chandelier was divided into two stories. The lower continued to be used for worship services, while the upper, a large hall, served the town’s civic needs for Town Meetings and elections through the late 1970s.

Members of the Athens Meetinghouse Committee and the Athens Historic Preservation Society will be on hand to answer questions and lead visitors on tours of this historic gem. Donations are welcome, but not required. Proceeds support the preservation of the meetinghouse.

The Athens Meetinghouse is located at 2 Meetinghouse Road in Athens, just off Route 35, and all are welcome. For more information, contact Sherry Maher at 802-275-2835, or follow Athens Meetinghouse on Facebook.


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