Ghost Walk in Cavendish Village

ghost walk
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CAVENDISH, Vt. – The Dutton House that once sat on the Cavendish Village Green was considered so haunted the locals avoided it. In 1950, the spirits seemed to go with the house when it was relocated to Shelburne Museum. Today, it’s considered Champlain Valley’s most haunted place as museum staff and volunteers have talked about a man, children, and other specters that seem to haunt the place. As a result, many prefer not to work in there.

On Saturday, June 19, the Cavendish Historical Society will be hosting a “ghost walk” of Cavendish Village, where “haunts” and places of “exceptional human experiences” will be visited. The tour begins at 8 p.m. in front of the CHS Museum, 1951 Main Street, Route 131 in Cavendish. Wear comfortable shoes and bring a flashlight.

The tour is free and open to the public. CHS welcomes all stories relating to houses and places in Cavendish and Proctorsville. For more information, email or call 802-226-7807.

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