SPRINGFIELD, Vt. – During the June Change for Change Program, the Springfield Food Co-op chose Springfield Hospital’s Adult Day Services as the charity to support. The Food Co-op invites its customers to round up their change to the next dollar to donate the change to support local community-based organizations. This program has been going on since November 2021.
“I am humbled by the generosity of the customers and staff from the Food Co-op, and thrilled with the donation of $700 to the Adult Day Services,” says Sue Pollard, director of Adult Day Services. “We are proud of the services we provide to our clients, and donations such as these allow us to continue our work. Thank you,” continued Pollard.
Springfield Area Adult Day Services offers an affordable program which participants refer to as “a home away from home.” We help adults over the age of 18 facing the challenges associated with aging and disability, frailty, isolation, and physical or cognitive impairment. We offer a cost-effective program. Our program includes a variety of health, social, and supportive services to help participants enhance wellness and maintain independence. We are accepting new participants, and for more information, call Pollard at 802-885-9881.