SPRINGFIELD, Vt. – Springfield Hospital and Southern Vermont Area Health Education Center (AHEC) are pleased to announce Lilly Ware as the recipient of this year’s Dr. E. Sherburne Lovell Health Career Award. Ware is a resident of Westminster, Vt., and a 2024 graduate of Bellows Falls Union High School. The Lovell Award contributes $1,000 per year for four years toward a student’s academic pursuit of a career in healthcare, and is funded by the proceeds from the annual Springfield Hospital Apple Blossom event and community donations.
Dr. Lovell was a longtime physician at Springfield Hospital, and his daughters, Melissa Post and Elizabeth David, said, “While he was a man who never sought recognition for his service in the medical field or in the community, we know he would be honored to have this award named in his memory. We hope recipients of the award will share the same sense of wonder and commitment to service in the world of medicine that he did.”
Ware attended the Southern Vermont AHEC’s MedQuest program at Springfield Hospital in the summer of 2023. She will be attending Middlebury College (interestingly, Dr. Lovell was a graduate of Middlebury College), and she will be studying biology on a pre-med track, with a minor in food studies and/or global health. “Participating in the MedQuest furthered my interest in the healthcare field,” said Ware. “My plan is that studying biology will help set me up for studying sports medicine and/or physical therapy postgraduate. I would like to make it my mission to try and find the root of injuries, and then discuss with my patients about what likely happened and come up with a plan on how to avoid injuries in the future,” continued Ware.
Amanda Richardson, Southern Vermont AHEC director of health careers exploration, stated, “It’s inspiring to see future health professionals, like Lily, supported on their educational journey. We love working with our community hospital and community members to encourage more Vermont youth to work towards a career in health.”
“We are delighted to support Lilly’s education, and wish her much success with her studies,” said Bob Adcock, CEO of Springfield Hospital.
To be eligible for the award, students must live in one of the towns served by Springfield Hospital, and complete Southern Vermont AHEC’s MedQuest program. For more information on the MedQuest program, call 802-885-2126, or go to www.svtahec.org.