Springfield Selectboard approves town appointments

Springfield, Vt.

SPRINGFIELD, Vt. – The Springfield Selectboard met most recently on Monday, March 10, at which time Erin Ladd from Mount Ascutney Regional Commission (MARC) presented the board with a proposal to determine the best option for improving access to the North Springfield Industrial Park.

The town is applying for a Municipal Planning Grant (MPG) through the Vermont state funding program to help offset the cost of the improvements, including design and engineering work. Town manager Jeff Mobus stated that the industrial park is “crucial for local economic development, but increased truck traffic requires transportation system upgrades. The current access points, from VT Route 10 and Cider Mill Road are primary, while Giddings Street is unsafe for truck traffic.” In addition, Cider Mill Road is very windy, and not adequately safe for truck vehicular traffic.

Ladd told the board they planned to apply for “the full $30,000.” The application deadline is March 31, at 6 p.m., and the town will know by next month if they were awarded the grant funds. The town will need to match 10% of the funds, and Ladd said the application process is competitive.

Mobus added that, “oddly enough,” there were no findings of contaminates in the industrial park, which makes future development much less challenging.

A topic that has been discussed for some time is the state’s requirement that the town replace several sewer lines under sections of River, Main, Park, and Mineral streets. The board approved an application for $84,100 for the final design phase of the project, which will then be presented to the voters at a special town meeting in late fall. The town should expect to receive a 50% subsidy from the State Revolving Fund (SRF) for the final design fee.

Mobus read through his recommendations for town appointments to be approved by the board. Selectboard seats were appointed previously, at the March 5 organizational meeting, where Kristi Morris and Michael Martin were reelected as board chair and vice chair, and Heather Frahm was sworn in as the newest board member.

The selectboard also set their meeting calendar on March 5, agreeing to continue meeting monthly on the second and fourth Monday, with summer dates set for once per month, on June 23, July 14, and August 11.

Two event permits were issued, pending proof of insurance; one to the Vermont Senior Games Association, to hold a one-mile run on Toonerville Trail, on May 18, from 8:30-11 a.m., and another to Edgar May for their annual Touch-a-Truck event scheduled for April 5, from 7 a.m. – 3 p.m.

Toward the end of the meeting, Mobus took a moment to thank the taxpayers for approving the town budget, with almost 62% voting “yes.”

“I want to thank the town for continuing to support our department heads, and our [employees and] volunteers for all the work they’re doing,” Mobus remarked. “To me, this shows that this is the level of services the town would like and think they can afford. That doesn’t mean it’s uniform for everybody, we don’t get 100% of the vote, but it’s the best we can do in a democratic system is majority vote.”

The selectboard will meet again on Monday, March 24, when they will hold a public hearing on the Springfield Salt Shed Scoping Study. The town has been exploring options to replace the deteriorating salt shed, has developed some proposals, and is requesting public feedback. The meeting will be held at 6 p.m., at the town hall, and will also be accessible online.

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