I have an early ledger of interest. It begins in 1796, and ends in 1852. The cover is covered with dark blue wallpaper, with a white scroll pattern and black polka dots. Wallpaper at this time was an expensive wall treatment. This is why walls at the time were stenciled.
I found a few interesting entries. This ledger documents the first schoolhouse for District Number 1. This schoolhouse was located near Mitch’s Maples on the turnpike. Today, if you drive past Mitch’s, not far on the right is a stone residence. This is the second schoolhouse at School District Number 1.
Feb. 29, 1796
“At a meeting of the inhabitants of the first School District in the Township of Chester legally warned and opened by Mr. Amos Sargeant Selectman of Chester this 29th day of Feb, 1796.
“1st made choice of Timothy Olcott Esquire as moderator.
“2d made choice off Ezekiel Colburn for a clerk.
“3d Voted to request the Town at their next march meeting to divide the first School District by the river.
“5th Voted that in case the Town shall see fit to divide the said district by the River, this Committee should request the Town at their said meeting to allow the East side of said River to retain the name of the first School District of Chester.
“To Ezekiel Colburn Clerk of the first School District in Chester, Sir, we request you immediately to set up a notification warning the inhabitants of said district to meet at the dwelling house of Caleb Winn Innholder in said district to act on the following articles.
“4th to see if the District, when met, will agree on a spot to set a Schoolhouse on.
“5th to see if the District will raise a Sum or Sums of money to build a Schoolhouse.
“6th to see if the District will determine on a way in which said School house shall be built and transact the business necessary thereon.
“7th to agree when said School house shall be raised, boarded and shingled fit for a summer school, and when it shall be finished.
“Chester March 14th 1796 Wm Gilkey, Thos Chandler, Nathan Gile.”
March 28, 1796
“March 28 1796…
“4th Agreed that the Schoolhouse for and in said District shall be built on the rise of ground South of the little brook and East of the road on Capt Lovell land near to the place where Ejeck Earle once lived.
“5th Vote to raise 40 pounds on the Grand List for the year 1796 to build said house…”
My thoughts
I think Caleb Winn, the innkeeper, would be what we know as the Henry Farm today. I also think it would be possible to find the exact location of this first school with the details recorded here. This ledger continues on for years.
The name H.H. Henry or Hugh Henry does not appear until the early 1840s. I found this entry:
“April the 25th 1842…
“2d to see whether the District will vote to settle the suit now pending between the aforesaid District and Hugh Henry of Woodstock…”
Nov. 20, 1852
“Chester Nov the 20th 1852
“To the Clerk of the 1st School District we the undersigned do hereby request you to call a meeting of the said district as soon may be for the purpose of whether the voters of this district will vote to have a school the year ensuing or any part thereof and also to see whether the district will vote to sell the old school house and also to see if the district will raise money for the support of school, the coming year.
“Samuel Weston, Charles Lee, Joshua Prouty.”
I’m sure if I took my time I could find details in this ledger regarding building the stone schoolhouse we have today. It’s hard on my eyes so I just skimmed it. Who knew about the first schoolhouse?
This week’s old saying is from Dudley Do-Right: “It must be true. I read it in the paper.”