Cavendish chooses hybrid town meeting, postpones a month

The Cavendish Selectboard moved to delay Town Meeting a month. Photo provided

CAVENDISH, Vt. – The Cavendish Selectboard has decided to delay Town Meeting by a month and opt for a hybrid Town Meeting structure, with both in-person and online participants. The informational meeting is scheduled for Monday, March 28 and the voting will be by Australian ballot on Tuesday, March 29. The decision was made during their special budget meeting on Jan. 20.

The reason for the delay was largely based on the availability of Okemo Valley TV, who has the equipment to provide the hybrid option, but was already committed to other towns for the original Feb. 28 date.

Town manager Brendan McNamara, who attended the Jan. 20 budget meeting via phone, had also been identified as a close contact for a family member that tested positive for Covid-19. Postponing town meeting for a month would allow McNamara to finish quarantine and meet with the board in person to finalize the budget and leave additional time if any other issues arose in time to print out the Town Report on time.

Elected town officials can stay in their current positions until the local election takes place.

Because of the ongoing pandemic, this year Vermont state legislators have given Vermont towns and cities the authority to change the format and/or dates of their Town Meeting to provide a safe and healthy town meeting and election.

The school budget vote will need take place on time however, since all towns must pass the school budget on the same day, with the vote taking place by Australian ballot on Tuesday, March 1 from 10 a.m. – 7 p.m. at the Proctorsville Fire Department.

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