LUDLOW, Vt. – The 2022 Ludlow American Legion Ballard-Hobart Post 36 Memorial Day Ceremony took place under bluebird skies on Monday, led by the American Legion Post 36 honor guard, Firing Squad, and Bugler. The ceremony started with a parade through Main Street in Ludlow, which stopped for a moving “laying of the wreath ceremony” at Walker Bridge, gathered around the gazebo for speeches, prayers, poems, singing, and the laying of a wreath at the Veterans Park monument, continued with a trip to the cemetery to lay a wreath on the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier for the final stage of the ceremony, and finally, a luncheon back at the legion.
Post Commander Fred Wilson directed the ceremonies with help from many other legion members and veterans. Fire and ambulance service members from Ludlow and the surrounding towns drove or marched in the parade and attended the ceremonies. The playing of “Taps” on the bugle and gun salutes throughout the various ceremonies added to the moving and solemn observance.