Memory Cafes
Senior Solutions Memory Cafés are now up and running in Brattleboro, Springfield, and White River Junction. These are welcoming places for caregivers and their loved ones who have various forms of dementia or other cognitive disorders. Both caregivers and their loved ones can participate in activities and socialize to help overcome the social isolation many have been experiencing. Our caring staff and wonderful volunteers will help to keep everyone connected and occupied. After the huge success of the first Memory Café in Brattleboro, we are happy to provide you with the dates and locations of the upcoming ones. A grateful thank you to our partner hosts!
July 13, at the American Legion Post 5 in Brattleboro, Vt., from 11 a.m. – 1 p.m., and every second Wednesday of each month. Call Valerie at 802-338-6578 for reservations.
July 20, at the Bugbee Senior Center in White River Junction, Vt., from 1–3 p.m., and every third Wednesday of each month. Call Patti at 802-295-6252 for reservations.
July 27, at the First Congregational Church in Springfield, Vt., from 11 a.m. – 1 p.m., and every fourth Wednesday of each month. To make reservations, call Susan at 802-376-0037.
All these Memory Cafés are free. Please try to email your reservation to so the team can plan activities and snacks.
Check our website at for more details and information about the Memory Café Programs. Also, in our July Newsletter, you will find more information about lots of other great services and events.
Thompson Center Doings
There is a lot going on at the Thompson Center in Woodstock this month, reachable at 802-457-3277. If you are interested in conservation you will want to view the program on John Muir. He was an early environmental activist and author who lived in California and helped advocate for the establishment of national parks and forest reserves. This presentation is part of the Thompson Senior Learning Network Virtual Program. You can call to reserve your spot. Then you can watch at home or at the Thompson on July 12 at 2 p.m.
Get Moving!
Are you active and want a group to join to enjoy walking? Call the Thompson and register for Carla’s Walking Group. They meet promptly on Mondays at 11 a.m. for a 45-minute ramble. You might enjoy signing up for Gentle Yoga. This is perfect for beginners. Classes are held on Wednesdays from 1–2 p.m. You need to pre-register by calling the Thompson at 802-457-3277. There are also Tai Chi and Bone Builder classes.
Coming up are two trips sponsored by the Thompson and the Bugbee Centers:
Aug. 10, to a Manchester Fischer Cats.
Oct. 4, to The Log Cabin in Holyoke, Mass.
Call the Thompson for more information. To make your reservation(s) and make payments call 802-457-3277.
Stay Healthy!
“Don’t Stop Now.” The statewide Vaccine Campaign Part II is reminding us all to continue to receive our series of vaccines and boosters. Help maintain our best defense against serious health outcomes in case if and when we or our family members contract Covid-19 in its many variants. If you are homebound, you can call the Vermont Department of Health at 802-858-5190 to make an appointment for a visiting nurse to do a house call. Don’t risk your life or the lives of those you love. Our aging adults have responded in a very positive way to getting the vaccine and we all should say “thank you.”
Attention, Caregivers
The UVM CARERs Program is gearing up for its fall session. If you are an active family caregiver to a loved one who is living with advanced dementia, you could benefit greatly by participating in these therapeutic virtual sessions. Meeting weekly from September to November, the UVM Center on Aging has two groups: Adult Children Caregivers and Partner Caregivers. Since session spaces are limited, please call as soon as possible to inquire about joining. Lori McKenna at 802-847-2466.
Got Questions? We’ve Got Answers.
Remember, our Senior Solutions HelpLine number is 802-885-2669. Let us help you find the information you need, when you need it.