Senior Solutions

September is a month full of activity. Fall Festivals in many towns and villages, gardens overflowing with produce, children heading back to school, the air getting crisp and cool. The days are still long enough to allow time to enjoy extended time outside with fewer annoying flying insects. Soon the glow of our fall foliage will be enhancing the landscape. It is the perfect month to celebrate National Senior Center Month. What are senior centers and what do they do? First, they are welcoming places where we can go to meet with friends and take part in an amazing variety of activities. Health and wellness programs like Tai Chi, gentle yoga, walking groups, and Bone Builder classes are just a few of the popular ways we can take part in helping ourselves remain strong and increase our balance. Many other services and programs are available. There are lectures and bus trips, needlework, and other crafts. Some can provide access to foot care, shopping excursions, and congregate lunches. All of these activities, plus many more, keep us up to date and connected to our communities. Check with your closest senior center and discover some of the interesting programs you may have been missing.

Bellows Falls: 802-463-3907

Putney Cares: 802-387-5593

Springfield: 802-885-3933

Brattleboro: 802-257-7570

Ludlow: 802-228-7421

Woodstock: 802-457-3277

White River Junction: 802-295-9068

Call and find out more from these local senior centers.


Fuel Assistance

We need to apply now before the cold sets in so we can get the full benefit. Senior Solutions can assist you in filling out the new easy one-page application form. Call 802-885-2669 today for more details.

This program is income and household-size based. You may rent or own your own home. All fuel sources are available for assistance: wood, oil, propane, wood chips, etc.

If your income is at or below these levels, you qualify:

Household of 1 – 2,096/month

Household of 2 – 2,823/month

Household of 3 – 3,550/month

Household of 4 – 4,279/month

Benefits are sent directly to your fuel company on your behalf, giving you a credit for the season.


Extra Value Ideas

Now is also a great time to maximize your 3Square VT/SNAP benefits. Receive $20 extra when you have the farmers market take $10 from your account card. Here are some of the participating farmers markets with days of operation:

Brattleboro – Saturdays

Putney – Sundays

Townshend – Fridays

Bellows Falls – Fridays


For Additional Nutrition go to the following sources:

Grafton Community Church Food Pantry – Free food pick up during the week. Call Mary at the church: 802-843-2346 to arrange a pick-up. Please wear a mask.

Townshend Community Food Shelf – Located at the Townshend Church on Mondays from 6–7:30 p.m. Call Joe at 802-365-4348 for more information.

Everyone Eats – Newfane – Meals are prepared by the Newfane Country Store and available every Thursday from 4:30–5:30 p.m. in front of the Newfane Congregational Church. There is a one-time registration at the site or call 802-348-7173.

Meals on Wheels – Grafton Cares provides pick up and delivery three times a week. Call Senior Solutions at 802-885-2669 for information and to sign up.


Upcoming Fall Festivals:

38th Apple Festival in Springfield on Oct. 8 from 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. at Riverside Middle School.

Flannel Festival Oct. 16 and 17 at Rockingham Hill Farm. From 11 a.m. – 5 p.m. on Saturday and 11 a.m. – 4 p.m. on Sunday. Live Music, crafts, beer and fun. Ticket fee discounted if you are wearing flannel.

For more resources and information to help us age successfully, check our website at


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