LTE: Walter Martone on Clarkson, McCormack, and White

Dear Editor,


Support Vermont Senate Candidates Clarkson, McCormack, and White. Support House Candidates Emmons and Morris.

It is extremely important for Springfield to have Senators and Representatives in the State Legislature who are accessible, knowledgeable about the pressing needs in Springfield, able to navigate the complexities of the state government, and willing to use their expertise and influence to fight for us. I have made it a point as one of your elected Selectboard Members to get to know and work with Alison Clarkson, Dick McCormack, and Becca White who are running for the Vermont Senate, and Alice Emmons and Kristi Morris who are running for the Vermont House. I know that I can call on all of them to get information, set up meetings with State officials, be available for important meetings where their counsel and influence will benefit Springfield, sponsor and support legislation important for Springfield, and keep us informed about opportunities for programs and funding to advance our local goals. I am proud that our community has such a strong and capable team to ensure that our voices are heard in Montpelier.

Please join me in voting for Alison Clarkson, Dick McCormack, and Becca White for the Vermont Senate, and Alice Emmons and Kristi Morris for the Vermont House. Thank you for helping to make Springfield a vibrant community for all of us.



Walter Martone

Springfield, Vt.

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