LTE: Stu Lindberg in support of Gerald Malloy for Senator

Dear Editor,


I am writing this letter in support of Gerald Malloy for United States Senator from Vermont.

Gerald graduated from West Point in 1984, and served as an active duty field artillery officer and a paratrooper. He served our great nation honorably and with distinction for 22 years. He has a MBA from Temple University.

I have met Gerald and his wife Stacey at their home in Weathersfield. I have spoken with them at length about the grave issues facing our constitutional republic and the bad economic direction we are heading.

Gerald has an abiding passion for the principles upon which our nation was founded. He will unapologetically defend life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness for all Vermonters and every American, regardless of background. Gerald understands we all share a common humanity. He will defend our natural rights as enshrined in the Bill of Rights of our great Constitution. He will also pursue proven, common sense and constitutional solutions to out of control inflation, our unsustainable national debt, and energy costs.

Gerald has the proven character, leadership skills, and experience in defending our nation that makes him the preferred candidate to represent Vermonters in the United States Senate. To learn more about Gerald Malloy’s candidacy please visit his website at

Please join me in supporting and voting in the primary election for Republican Gerald Malloy for United States Senator from Vermont. In-person voting for the primary election is Tuesday, Aug. 9 at your local polling station. Early voting by mail is available starting Friday, June 24.



Stu Lindberg

Cavendish, Vt.

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