LTE: Stanley Noga Jr. supports Rep. Michelle Bos-Lun

Dear Editor,


I am writing in support of Rep. Michelle Bos-Lun in her bid for re-election to a second term in the Statehouse, where she will represent Windham-3 District (Brookline, Westminster, and Rockingham). She has lived in Vermont since 2003, was elected to the House in 2020, and was subsequently assigned to the Committee on Corrections and Institutions.

Michelle’s education contains graduating from High School in Taipei, Taiwan, earning her B.A. in sociology from Beloit College and earning her M.A. in International Education from SIT. Her work experience includes the knowledge and ability to traverse the intricacies of assisting the homeless, the restorative justice process, and being involved with the State Department’s exchange of students. She has functioned as a staff member in the Governor’s Institute for Current Issues. She is currently co-director of a non-profit Educational Change Foundation for two schools in India. Additionally, Michelle has served on the board of directors for Health Care and Rehabilitation Services.

I first interacted with Michelle when the house and senate redistricting concluded. She reached out to Brookline residents to express a willingness to meet and discuss issues which the citizens of Brookline may want to address. In that discussion, she demonstrated a knowledge of issues which are important to this district. She has also made time to knock on Brookline citizens’ doors to introduce herself and learn the concerns of our citizens. She introduced herself at the poll in Brookline in August 2022. She has made herself available via meet and greet sessions within the district. A review of both her legislative record and the list of legislation which she has sponsored demonstrates a diverse interest, which touches the lives of we Vermonters. I hope that you will join me on Tuesday, Nov. 8, 2022 in voting for Michelle Bos-Lun to represent District-3.



Stanley E. Noga Jr.

Brookline, Vt.

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