LTE: Paul Regan on Clarkson, McCormack, and White

Dear Editor,


In this election, the strong team to vote for in the race for Vermont’s Windsor County Senate is Clarkson, McCormack, and White.

In lots of aspects of life, business, problem solving, and sports you build a team. In politics it’s no different: You look to place a person at the table where the most crucial decisions are being made. You look for sage advice from the person or persons with the most experience. And you look for vitality and freshness of approach.

With Alison Clarkson as Vermont State Senate Majority Leader, you have a seasoned leader who presides over the creation of the Senate’s Calendar and when and if the various legislative initiatives will be brought before the Senate Body for debate and action.

With Dick McCormack you have a seasoned Senate legislator who brings his years of knowledge to each session. When McCormack rises in the Senate Chamber to speak, the rest of the legislators turn and listen. His sage advice on almost every issue being brought before the body is crucial to a bipartisan and instructive debate.

And with the candidacy of Becca White, you have a proven House Chamber legislator moving over to the Senate to bring her fresh thoughts and approach to our state’s problems that affect us all, such as climate, housing, updates to Act 250, and healthcare.

I truly believe that, if elected, this will be the most talented and balanced team of Vermont Senate legislators of any County in the State of Vermont.

I urge you, the citizens and voters of Windsor County, from Ludlow to Hartford, from Royalton to Springfield, to vote and send the team of Clarkson, McCormack, and White to Montpelier on Nov. 8.



Paul Regan

Woodstock Democratic Town Committee

Woodstock, Vt.

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