LTE: Linda Gray on Clarkson, McCormack, and White

Dear Editor,


I am writing to encourage voters to support Alison Clarkson, Dick McCormack, and Becca White for Vermont Senate, Windsor District. As chair of the Norwich Democratic Committee, my support is expected, but it’s more than routine.

I’ve seen each of them in action and am consistently impressed. Each has multiple years of legislative experience – important to the Vermont Senate, which in January will be one-third new members. They are solid on the issues that I think are most important and they understand how these issues are linked: reducing carbon emissions, preparing our communities for climate impacts, investing in housing, infrastructure, and workers, and supporting childcare and education.

Ultimately, they know that policies affect the lives of real people, their neighbors, and they care.

Please vote for Clarkson, McCormack, and White for Vermont Senate.



Linda Gray

Norwich, Vt.

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