LTE: Lamont Barnett for Assistant Judge

Dear Editor,


Vote for Lamont Barnett, Assistant Judge.

First, let me thank the voters of Windham County for their support during the August Primary election.

I was honored to be selected by Windham County’s Democratic party to be placed on the November General Election Ballot as their candidate for the Office of Assistant Judge. I am asking once again for your vote and support.

Let me speak a little on why your vote is important. This year, for the first time in many years, at least one of the county’s two Assistant Judges will be new to the office. The position requires significant training to be able to competently perform the office’s duties. It is vital that an experienced judge be there to help train this new Assistant Judge.

I have over ten years and thousands of hours of Judicial experience in many of the Court’s jurisdictions. I would love the opportunity to help train this new judge and help them in learning what their role is within the Court and County government. When you cast your vote this year, please remember you get to cast two votes for Assistant Judge, that is, there are two positions available on the ballot. I would ask that you please vote for me as one of them. Thank you again for the opportunity to serve you.



Lamont Barnett

Windham County, Vt.

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