To the Voters of Plymouth,
The Plymouth Selectboard hired McClay Architects due to their experience and track record with designing energy efficient, well insulated projects. This is not a net zero project. Early in the design phase, we discussed using that as our goal. However, we determined it was cost prohibitive. The current design has propane heaters in the garage bays and there is a back up propane boiler for extreme conditions. The design calls for a heat pump system that will provide temperate air through the municipal office area. Solar is just an option at this time. The design will result in a well-insulated building that will meet Vermont energy codes. The current building has no ventilation. Mold is prevalent and the existing insulation is dramatically below today’s standards. This condition is unhealthy and uncomfortable for our employees and residents who come to the building. The current temperature is difficult to maintain with drafty windows and doors. The office employees use electric heaters in the office area due to uncontrolled cold air infiltration. The current building uses twice the energy for heating compared to a similar building in this environment. The roof has leaked for many years and the design calls for a new, well-insulated roof system with a four-foot overhang on the eves, which will keep water from running down the side of the building as it currently does. These conditions stated are facts and the design was based on modern building practices and energy codes. We believe a clean, modern, energy efficient building will help attract and retain quality employees. Options have been explored utilizing other town properties. These are inadequate for meeting the town’s needs. Voting yes for the bond will cost a typical homeowner about $90 per year for a home valued at $300,000.
Rick Kaminski
Plymouth Selectman