Dear Editor,
Let me be brief. S.5, beautifully titled “The Affordable Heat Act,” should be labeled “Vermont Resident Super Tax To Sooth The Progressive Soul.” Are these legislators kidding? Vermont has the absolutely lowest pollution rate of any state in the U.S., including Puerto Rico. So to further make a progressive point, add an oil tax that will make the Montpelier, Burlington, Manchester, and Middlebury elite happy on the backs of farmers, loggers, police officers, and firefighters that need every nickel to live! Politicians should be ashamed!
Then, how about adding a tax to an even larger portion of bottles and cans that we are already recycling at our landfills, in order to keep the proceeds paid at the register!
Senator Clarkson and all other local elite politicians are driving home grown Vermonters and their children out of the state. You just can’t afford the taxes, energy costs, and food costs as it is! Now add a 70-cent oil tax, and more bottle and can taxes.
Voters need to step up and stop this elitist political madness!
Neil Martin
Ludlow, Vt.