Dear Editor,
My name is Troy Palmer, and I am seeking reelection for one of the two Springfield School Director positions. I am the father of two children in the Springfield School District, both of whom currently attend Riverside Middle School. My wife, Melissa Snow Palmer, and I have lived in Springfield for the past 14 years. My wife grew up in Springfield and attended the schools here, and this is where we have chosen to raise our family. My full-time job is as the site lead and engineering director for G&H Keene, StingRay Optics.
I value education; this core belief is what first drove me to seek a position on the school board. My passion is for the Springfield schools to provide the best education for our youngest community members, while doing so in a fiscally responsible manner. I have seen improvements over the last three years and believe that Springfield is headed in the right direction. We may not currently see the improvements in our test scores or in a decreasing tax bill, but the momentum is headed in the right direction. Unfortunately, the current pandemic has stalled our momentum and the focus has shifted to remote learning and keeping students and staff safe. The school district continues to provide education at one of the most challenging times in our history. I am eager to be part of the effort to regain the momentum to drive the district forward and will put in the needed work to achieve this if elected.
Over the last three years on the school board I have been a full participant in meeting discussions, budgets, and negotiations. I am focused on student achievement and implementing policies that will ensure the success of all students. I have worked hard to share the good that is happening in our schools as we hear the negative all too often. I endeavor to be transparent in my decisions and I am invested in the success of the schools. During meetings I speak my mind, admit when I am wrong, and do not hide from the difficult conversations.
I am asking for your vote to continue to represent the community’s interests in guiding the district to enhance student achievement. I have and will continue to respond to all emails, calls, and to collaborate with the community to move the district forward. We need to support our youngest community members now more than ever and that is why I am asking for your vote.
Troy Palmer
Springfield, Vt.