Senior Solution executive director resigns

Dear Editor,

It is with deepest appreciation and regret that I announce that the Senior Solutions Board accepted the resignation of its executive director Carol Stamatakis. During her tenure as executive director of Senior Solutions, this organization grew in its ability to provide services to aging Vermonters within its service boundaries.

By bringing her skills in grant writing, nonprofit organization management, and judicial acumen, Carol brought positive support to underserved populations in Windsor and Windham counties. Through the implementation of programs for veterans and their families, Carol found ways to provide life assistance to people, employees, and volunteers.

Carol’s connections to hospice, aging, and judicial programs assisted Senior Solutions in developing systems that bring wide ranges of assistance and care to these under served members of our state. With her excellent financial management attributes, she enabled Senior Solutions to operate under a balanced budget while instituting new programs and technological assistance for the aging Vermonters within our region.

With sincerest gratitude and thanks, the board wholeheartedly wishes Carol fulfillment to her calling to support vulnerable adults in her future endeavors.

As the board begins its quest for a new executive director, our search aims to deliver a vital and progressively future embracing individual who continues the strong proactive leadership Carol brought to our organization within the next six months.

If you have any questions, please contact me at


Barbara Woods, president

Senior Solutions

Council on Aging for Southeastern Vermont

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