Mike Kell’s campaign for the Windsor District 2 House seat

Dear Editor,

Fellow residents of Cavendish-Weathersfield, Nov. 3 is fast approaching. By now you have received literature about my candidacy for the Windsor D-2 State Representative. My website is www.mikekellforvermonthouse.com. Please email me at mdkell1027@hotmail.com if you have any questions before Nov. 3.

As a school administrator, my career has involved working with various communities. Building community consensus through public meetings has been my strength. Hearing student, parent, and community voices as a school administrator has equipped me for the work we must all do to have our rural community represented in Montpelier.

If elected I will hold a town meeting shortly thereafter. I will have monthly town meetings once the legislative session begins. I have met many of you while going door to door, I am surprised that prior legislators have not informed us, our most valued constituents, through either a website, newsletter, or town meetings! These communications will be a matter of business during the legislative sessions.

I will not succumb to Chittenden County pressure. I will voice our concerns in Montpelier! I will, via consensus, represent the hard worker Vermonters in our district! I look forward to hearing from you and meeting with members our community. It will be my honor to represent Weathersfield and Cavendish in the next legislative session.


Mike Kell

Cavendish, Vt.

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