LTE Thank you, tag sale participants

Dear Editor,


Our neighborhood tag sale went really well. Four families set up displays of items that were still usable, but no longer needed in our homes. The things we used to take to the swap shop at the Rockingham Recycling Center. A couple dozen people stopped by to shop and to talk. A little bit of money changed hands.

The best part of the tag sale was the talking. Hosting a tag sale functioned as a decision to hang out on the street and visit with each other. Discuss how to make our neighborhood and town friendlier. What is it we’d like to do next to develop our sense of belonging together in this place?

The biggest idea that came out of all that talking was to have a town-wide tag sale each month. The best part is that the tag sale could happen in a different neighborhood each time. Kind of a moving swap shop.

If you are interested in setting up a neighborhood tag sale, I’m happy to tell you what we did. Email me at

Thanks to everyone who made our neighborhood tag sale happen!



Laurel Green

Bellows Falls, Vt.

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