LTE Mount Holly thanks flood aid workers

Dear Editor,


The Town of Mount Holly would like to thank the generous individuals and organizations who provided immediate aid, food, and expertise in the aftermath of the recent flooding.

For road work and excavation: Norton Property Management, Hawkins Excavation & Property Management, Gary Norton, Billy Austin, Craig Smith, Keith Hawkins, Michael Bushey, Eric Brewer, John Stewart, Tim Poczobut, Austin Turco, Chad Farrar, and Wayne Taylor.

For meals delivered to workers: Lori and Tiffany Norton, Amy Turco, and Carol Garrow-Woolley.

For traffic control and safety: Mount Holly Fire Department, Billy Austin, Cash Woods, Shane Pearson, Neil Jones, Jim Seward, Steve Howlett, Bob Beardmore

For meal donations: Little Caesars Rutland, Dunkin Donuts Ludlow, Gamebird, Troy Caruso, Calcutta’s, and Off The Rails.



Caitlin Boyle

Clerk, Mount Holly Select Board

Mount Holly, Vt.

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