LTE Ludlow-Mount Holly school budget

Dear Editor,


Please vote “yes” on the Ludlow Mount Holly School Budget on Tuesday, June 4. Unlike some districts, the tax increases in our towns are lower than inflation – about 1.3% in Ludlow, and 3.9% in Mount Holly. These increases have been dramatically reduced since the original budget by the combination of spending reductions and actions of the state legislature.

Rejecting this budget will not send a message to Montpelier, as the legislature has adjourned for the year. All that another rejection would do is force reductions in the number of teachers and support staff in our schools, and reduce the quality of our students’ education.

If you have questions about the school budget, please join our informational meeting on Tuesday, May 28, at 6 p.m., at Mount Holly School and on Zoom. If you are unable to attend the informational meeting, you can email the superintendent at, or call the office at 802-875-3365.

Ludlow and Mount Holly have excellent schools with better results than the Vermont average, even though we are spending less than the state average per weighted pupil. Please support our students and teachers by voting “yes,” either in person on Tuesday, June 4, or any time the town offices are open before that.



David Martin

Ludlow Mount Holly School Board

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