LTE: Diane Kemble, Support for Mary Kruger and Jessica Burlew

Dear Editor,


I’ve had the opportunity to speak recently with Mary Krueger and Jessica Burlew who are running for the two positions on the Springfield School Board. It is exciting to hear their commitment and the strong skills that they bring to the position. They each have children that are in Sixth Grade, have served the town in many ways, and have experience working with community and professional groups.

Mary Kruger is a practicing attorney and her range of volunteer expertise goes from Springfield Schools PTA and Girl Scouts to non-profit boards in finance and executive roles. Jessica Burlew works full time as a Cost Analyst at Dartmouth Hitchcock, and coaches soccer and basketball. How fortunate for Springfield to have two candidates with fiscal expertise.

I’m a long-time Springfield resident and retired Springfield teacher. My own children graduated from Springfield High School many years ago. It is crucial that we elect people to the important position of School Board who have the skills, desire and experience to help lead Springfield School District in providing the best education that will prepare all our students for the future.

Mark your calendar to vote on March 1 and consider joining me to vote for Jessica Burlew and Mary Kruger. As Mary says, “Let’s work together to make the Springfield School District the best version of itself!”



Diane Kemble

Springfield, Vt.

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