LTE: Cooper on today

Dear Editor,

Today I read an article about a woman’s body that was found in a dumpster. It turns out it looks as if the woman died of natural causes, what wasn’t natural, or perhaps it was, she was sleeping in the dumpster when she died. I was outraged that “we” allow this to happen.

This incident brought back memories of a woman I knew years ago. This woman had some cognitive thinking issues. She owned a house before the state condemned it, she owned a car, held a job, and had an adult son. She had been offered suggestions from many on ways to save her house from condemnation; she was not capable of understanding or acting upon these suggestions. She was eventually found dead in her car; she was relatively young. I was outraged for the same reason when I learned of her death and its circumstances.

So today, armed with my renewed outrage over these two incidents, I decided that I must do something about the lack of humanity our society shows to the homeless. Then I realized I needed to order a hand held showerhead for my second bathroom, then I realized what the problem was with our society, too many showerheads to buy.

Like the large part of the American population, I do not have an unlimited amount of money at my disposal, and if I did, I don’t know how much I could do for the good people caught up in homelessness.

I do not believe BIG government is the answer to all the problems of the people, but I do think municipalities, counties, and district representatives should take a larger and more active role in finding answers, along with all who are outraged. Remember, some of these same homeless people once paid taxes that helped pay for community services, why shouldn’t we now give them a hand back up



Ken Cooper,

Ludlow, Vt.

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