LTE BRAM thanks Old Time Stories panelists

Dear Editor,


Black River Academy Museum (BRAM) would like to thank our panelists at our Old Time Stories event held on Aug. 8. Our panelists were Jennifer Stowell, Alice Nitka, Dennis Devereux, Ronnie Preedom, Peter Kolenda, and Stewart Schmidt. The stories they shared with us included tales of Ludlow, Cavendish, and Mount Holly. Topics ranged from boys being boys, to good hearted deeds, to historical events and Ludlow’s past.

In addition, we would like to thank the Springfield ukulele players for the music for our campfire sing-along.

It was well attended, and all who participated had a great night of entertainment. If you missed this event, be sure to check out Okemo Valley TV.



Black River Academy Museum

Ludlow, Vt.

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