Dear Editor,
With Town Meeting Day rapidly approaching, the voters of Athens will be asked to elect the town officials for the upcoming year. One of the elected positions you will be asked to vote on will be that of Athens Road Commissioner. The candidate I will be supporting is Matt Perry.
Matt has been a road employee in Athens for the past 23 years. Matt Perry was elected to the position of road commissioner in March of 2019, when the road commissioner at that time retired. Since Matt’s promotion to road foreman and becoming road commissioner, you may have noticed great improvements in regard to the maintenance of our town roads. Matt and Eugene have been dedicated to the infrastructure of our roads, focusing on reducing the cost of maintenance while improving road safety. Matt is also conducting an aggressive pursuit of state road grants to improve our existing roads. In addition, Matt and Eugene have steadily increased the level of in-house repairs and maintenance to all our equipment resulting in significant savings to taxpayers.
Matt’s opponent’s obligations to the town of Grafton as well as his opponent’s obligations to his personal business could potentially compromise Athens in situations whereby natural disasters may impact his opponent’s loyalty, dedication, and focus to Athens. Where will his opponent’s commitment lie in the event of an emergency?
As road commissioner, Matt’s primary focus will always be Athens first. Let’s all pitch in and keep Athens moving forward and reelect Matt Perry as Athens Road Commissioner.
Also March 2, the town of Athens will be voting to elect a new member of its Selectboard. The candidate I will be supporting is Janet Perry. Over the years, Janet has always demonstrated her commitment to the wellbeing of Athens. When necessary, she has respectfully voiced her concerns. Over the years, Janet and I have been on opposite sides of several town issues, but never for a moment have I ever doubted her commitment to acting in the best interest of our town. I truly respect her for this.
Janet currently serves as a member of our town’s Budget Committee, working tirelessly to reduce town expenses. She is also a town auditor, Justice of the Peace, and a member of the Town Planning Committee.
As owners of M&M Farms in Athens, Janet and her family have been contributors to the annual Grafton Cares barbecue and the Athens Community Christian Church men’s prayer breakfast. I believe Janet Perry will be focused on all issues facing our town. She will not be a one-issue-focused candidate.
Please join me in supporting Janet by voting her our next Selectboard member.
Dennis Mirante
Athens, Vt.