Kelley Tully candidate letter for Windham District-3

Dear Editor,

I’m Kelley Tully. I am proud to be serving you in the Vermont House of Representatives and seeking another term. As a seventh generation Vermonter, I know that it takes hardy stock to keep going in this region. No matter what obstacles we face, we push through it and come out stronger.

For nearly 30 years, I worked as a registered nurse in the acute care nursing setting, schools, workplace, as well as teaching nursing and healthcare delivery. There I learned the importance of analytical detail and quick action to save lives. This is especially important now in the continuing COVID-19 pandemic, working together in government has made Vermont one of the safest places in the country. While serving in the Vermont House of Representatives, I help run our family business, where I meet people from all walks of life and get to know them on a personal level. In both professions, I have gained an understanding of the challenges that families in Windham District-3 face, as well as their incredible grit in the face of adversity.

Through coaching sports, helping on town boards, serving at nonprofits, to local job development, I’ve always focused on strengthening our community. My late husband coached and mentored youth, and he always told his players to “keep moving your feet.” I’ve taken those words to heart and learned a lot about resiliency and grit from his mantra.

In April, amid the pandemic, I was appointed by Gov. Scott to fill the vacant seat in the House of Representatives for Windham District-3. Our challenges are still ahead. We return next month to determine the remainder of the 2021 budget. We had to adapt to astronomical losses in revenue as well as an almost overwhelming amount of federal financial assistance that came with a complex web of strings attached. As the crisis continued to unfold, myself and other legislators have been working long hours to connect constituents to the state agencies, helping with unemployment insurance, rental assistance, and much more. We have also worked on how to best utilize the $1.25 billion allocated to the state under the CARES Act. So far, the Vermont Legislature has appropriated about $1 billion of the money. That leaves approximately $140 million in reserve for when the Legislature reconvenes in August. As a member of the Legislative Action Team, I was able to personally assist Vermonters and the DOL to get UI and PUA claims to folks. With your vote, I will work to reinforce Vermont resilience through housing security. I will work to increase support and economic development for our workers and small businesses. I will work for you to ensure health care access for all. I’ll give my all to achieve these goals, and with your support, together we will make our communities and our families a brighter future.

Please vote for me Aug. 11 to continue as your House Representative for Windham District-3. I won’t give up on our state or its people.


Kelley Tully

Bellows Falls, Vt.

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