Heather Chase runs for reelection to Chester Selectboard

Dear Editor,

Chester residents, thank you for the opportunity to serve our wonderful community. I have had the pleasure of living in Chester for 19 years, where I have raised four children and have run my small business. For the past six years, I have served on the Selectboard. I am running for reelection for another three-year term. I feel my energy, commitment to Chester, and knowledge of town government allows me to contribute to the vibrancy and future of our community.

I have experience working collaboratively with a diverse board, the citizens of Chester, and two town managers. This has taught me a great deal about town management, budgeting, and infrastructure development. My skills as a small business owner and healthcare provider transfer to working on the board. I listen well, work constructively with others, and don’t hesitate to respectfully voice my views. I have enjoyed engaging in conversation with fellow board members and citizens. In addition, difficult times, like the ones we are living through, call for proven leadership and experience in government. I deliver this.

I have served in leadership in the following positions: vice chair of the Selectboard since 2017, chair of the Board of Civil Authority, and chair of the Town Manager Search Committee (2019-2020).

In the next three years, the board will be facing issues pertaining to Covid recovery, reviewing policies, and determining whether Chester will allow retail cannabis sales. I am uniquely qualified to address these issues and I’d appreciate your vote!

Please vote! Ballots will be available Feb. 10 and the Town Report is available on Feb. 12. Vote March 2 at Town Hall or request an absentee ballot or vote early!


Heather Chase

Chester, Vt.

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