Ernie Shand endorses John Arrison for Cavendish and Weathersfield

Dear Editor,

I am endorsing John Arrison for the Cavendish and Weathersfield seat that is being vacated by Rep. Annmarie Christensen, who served us so well for two terms. I strongly feel that John will give his all, especially during the challenging times ahead. He is known for his patience, calm demeanor, and for seeking out a variety of opinions before making any final decision. His 18 years of experience on the Weathersfield Selectboard and various committees have given him a broad perspective on many issues that affect this area and well beyond.

I served in the Vermont House from 2002 to 2012. This position requires a deep commitment beyond what the general public would expect. The annual session runs from early January through May. This year the session went far beyond that because of Covid-19. Many of the daily sessions and committee meetings had to be conducted remotely. This situation is expected to continue well into 2021.

The learning curve is high for the first year for any new representative, which will also make this next term especially difficult. Along with long hours in Montpelier working on the law-making process, the representative is expected to attend his or her local selectboard and committee meetings as requested. They must also spend a considerable amount of time addressing concerns from constituents throughout the year. Having worked with John on numerous initiatives, such as when he took on the leadership role of the community project of constructing a new Ascutney Vol. Fire Dept. facility, I am confident that he will follow through with whatever is required of him as a legislator.

Please support John Arrison at the upcoming election. If you wish to communicate with him, he can be reached at 802-263-9405.


Ernie Shand

Former Rep. for Cavendish and Weathersfield

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