A history of Landgrove, Vt.

The following history is written by Robert Badger. Rob is president of Landgrove Historical Society. This article is about the founding of Landgrove, and how it was carved out of the wilderness by an enterprising family. The first settler was … Continued

Firemen’s parades

I’m down with the Covid. I usually write on weekends but didn’t feel well this weekend. So, I submit some history I compiled in recent years regarding fireman’s parades in Chester, Vt. I found these articles in old newspapers. They … Continued

The 1927 Flood in Cavendish

It was Nov. 2, 3, and 4, 1927, when Vermont suffered a catastrophic flood. The following is from, “Floodtide of 1927.” “The Village of Cavendish furnished one of the major calamities of the flood. Cavendish lies in a fairly level … Continued

Making hooch

Over the years, on many occasions, I have drunk hard cider. Hard cider was put up in oak barrels. I recall one place when I was a teenager. That cider maker had fourteen 50-gallon barrels stacked in his cellar. I … Continued

Happy Fourth of July

July 4th beckons. Most readers will know I collect antique postcards. I have written about real photo postcards in the past. This week I write about another category. These postcards are known as Patriotics. Patriotics often depict Abe Lincoln, George … Continued

Connecting the dots

Not long ago, Danny Clemons was showing me some postcards he had just bought. In a group of Perkinsville cards, Danny found the card you see with this article. We didn’t know for sure it was Perkinsville. Over the weekend, … Continued

What makes a town?

What makes a town the place you want to live? There are as many answers to this question as there are people to ask it. Many readers will know that, today, many organizations are struggling to recruit new members. This … Continued

Muscle cars and racing

It was probably after WWII when quarter-mile racing got going. James Dean comes to mind. By the time I was a teenager, racing was well established. Route 11, between Chester and Springfield was a favorite location to race. On the … Continued

Dorothy Canfield Fisher

The title of my weekly column is, “Local History.” As you know, I usually write about something of local history or interest. But my interests are much broader than just local history. So this week I stray some. I hope … Continued

Alan Bykko, Memorial Day Remembrance

Here’s an appropriate article for Memorial Day. It is written by Richard Fenton of Springfield. Memorial Day is much more than a barbecue. Memorial Day gives us a chance to pause, reflect, and be thankful for the freedom won by … Continued

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