LUDLOW, Vt. – The Tuesday, July 12, 2022 luncheon meeting of the Ludlow Rotary Club (LRC) featured Matt Korn, Executive Director of Pure Water for the World, who gave a talk concerning the lack of clean drinking water and adequate sanitation for over two billion people worldwide. Because of this, he said, 300,000 children die every year.
Pure Water for the World partners with underserved communities in Central America and Haiti, providing the tools and education to establish sustainable safe water, sanitation, and hygiene education programs. It is supported by Rotary clubs around the world and was started by the Brattleboro Rotary Club in 1994.
According to Korn, for every $1 spent on equipment, clean water and sanitation facilities contribute $4 to these local economies. This is based on the fact that people don’t need to travel expansive distances for safe drinking water and thus can stay in school, remain at their jobs, produce safer environments, and develop healthier habits.
In other business, the LRC inducted Sue Starr-Adams as its newest member. Starr-Adams is an agent with Kelley Real Estate in Ludlow.
Anyone interested in learning more about Rotary is encouraged to contact Kevin Barnes, Membership Chairman, at 802-228-8877 to receive a meeting invitation.