CHESTER, Vt. – Started as a thank you to so many who supported these small businesses during the pandemic, the third annual Customer Appreciation Weekend will be in full swing in Chester on Dec. 2 and 3.
This year the support of the local community after the flood on July 10 has been heartwarming for each of us. We would not be here without you, so it is our turn to say thank you once again. Come to Chester to shop and explore all of the venues available on our historic green.
Common Street Market is showcasing 12 small businesses with their locally made crafts, breads and pastries, cheese, meats, woodworking, macrame jewelry, fudge, photography, fiber art, slate work, and vintage collectibles. And we have it on good authority that The Grinch will be at the market from
12-4 p.m. on Saturday. Bring the kiddos by for some fun.
The Annex is home to three specialty shops – Kit Kats Embroidery, The Maple Room, and Chester Candy. Fischer Arts is located at the corner of Common Street and School Street, and Songbird Wellness around the corner on School Street has a wonderful array of amazing items in their new apothecary. Come to Sage Jewelry & Gifts located at 78 The Common and fill out your wish list. All of these businesses will be offering promotions and discounts on many items.
Sharon’s on the Common is selling remaining items of The Vermont Strong 2.0 gear at half price. It is time to retire the logo. Thank you to everyone who has supported this effort to help local small businesses recover from the flood.
Your continued year round support is the backbone of the small business community in Chester.
Thank you for shopping local during this wonderful time of the year. Hope to see you this coming weekend. Enjoy the holidays!