CHESTER, Vt. – Not long after dark on Halloween, you’ll be able to feel those glorious chills running down your spine. But if collecting Snickers bars with your kids or grandkids who’re dressed as C3PO or Eminem is a bit too tame, join other ghoul-lovers as Joe Citro, Vermont’s “curator of the curious,” explores some of his local haunts.
Sponsored by Chester’s Blair Books, former Chesterite Citro will speak at the First Universalist Parish of Chester in Chester’s Stone Village Sunday, Oct. 31 at 7 p.m. Citro will take listeners through the dark, sometimes disturbing, and often sinister landscape traditionally portrayed with sunny skies above quaint villages.
His Halloween presentation will include some Chester tales that have inspired his fiction as he reads selections from his novels, such as “Lake Monsters,” “Deus-X: The Reality Conspiracy,” and a short-fiction collection, “Not Yet Dead.” It’s no secret that the setting of his first novel, “Shadow Child,” was loosely based on Chester.
His Halloween presentation will also discuss his experiences collecting the state’s strangest stories for Vermont Public Radio and his nonfiction such as “Passing Strange,” “Cursed in New England,” and most recently “The Vermont Ghost Guide.” A question-and-answer period will follow the presentation.
The program is free and open to the public. Citro’s books will be available. This presentation will not be available by Zoom. For more information, call Blair Books at 802-875-3400.