Nordic Harmoni with Gangspil Holiday Concert

Gangspil 2022. Photo provided.

LONDONDERRY, Vt. – Nordic Harmoni invites all to join them in bringing in the holiday season with some traditional Swedish songs on Dec. 9, at 7 p.m. in the Second Congregational Church, Route 11, Londonderry, VT. The evening will include traditional holiday songs, Lucia pageant, Gangspil, and refreshments. Swedish Sankta Lucia celebrations light up mid-winter darkness. For more information go to, find us on Facebook, or contact Carl-Erik Westberg 802-824-6578 or

Nordic Harmoni will be joined by a live performance with two of Denmark’s leading folk musicians. Gangspil, featuring Sonnich Lydom on accordion and harmonica and Kristian Bugge on fiddle, performs old dance tunes and songs from every corner of their Scandinavian home country, from rural islands like Læsø to Copenhagen, including a few of their own compositions. Their lively performances include everything from wild polkas and jigs to lyrical waltzes, fiery reels and happy hopsas, as well as the exotic “Sønderhoning” dance tunes from the island of Fanø and long-forgotten songs from all over the country.

Gangspil has toured intensively and played more than 120 shows in North America since 2015. The group has become a well-known name in traditional and folk circles both home in Scandinavia and abroad. In 2016 Gangspil received the “Tradition Award at the Danish Music Awards (Danish Grammy). Gangspil brings audiences on an entertaining and variated journey through Danish folk traditions alongside humor and stories from their years on the road.

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