REGION – Are you curious about starting a meditation practice or looking to join a yoga class? Do you want to learn how to put together a playlist for your perfect mood? Lori Wright will be offering these workshops and classes via Zoom.
Introduction To Meditation
Thursday, May 20 at 7:30 p.m. via Zoom. This online live workshop is a great entry point for anyone who wants to learn how to meditate. Whether you’re battling anxiety, stress, or depression, having a hard time focusing, seeking spiritual growth, or simply want to feel better and be more present, this class teaches a variety of techniques that can have remarkable physical, psychological, and spiritual benefits. You’ll learn how to quiet your mind, get your ego in check, and live a more fully present life.
How To Create Powerful Playlists: Moods Of Music
Monday, May 24 at 6 p.m. via Zoom. Music can change your mood: whether you want motivation to workout, fall asleep, or even let go of negative feelings. This interactive workshop will teach you how music and sound therapy can create transformation. You will learn how to create and design playlists to help meet your goals; the differences between Spotify, iTunes, and Pandora; how to connect to public playlists; and you will even receive lists of suggested songs and artists to build your playlists. Class time is approximately one hour and includes additional instruction if technology is not your “thing.”
Yoga Flow with Meditation
Wednesdays at 5 p.m. Join live or watch video during your perfect time. A 45-minute gentle flow class with meditation to strengthen, improve flexibility, bring balance, relieve stress, and improve the immune system. Calm the “monkey mind” and help bring peace to your life, whether it is on or off your yoga mat.
For more information, including prices, or to register, contact Lori Wright at 603-401-8123 or email loriwright163@gmail.com.