BELLOWS FALLS, Vt. – Wayward Ark Productions and the Monadnock International Film Festival are joining forces to bring Laina Barakat’s feature debut “Light Attaching to a Girl” to theaters in Vermont, New Hampshire, and Maine during May and June.
Billed as a coming of age story, the film weaves documentary and narrative structures to create a story that festival goers have found “tender, intimate and revealing.” Suffocated by an overbearing father and two older sisters who soak up any attention that comes their way, Clare is desperate to escape. She plans a trip to Iceland by herself, where she can experience nature and make her own decisions for the first time in her life. “Light Attaching to a Girl” poetically drifts between the interior and exterior life of an adolescent, as she reckons with haunting memories of her childhood even as she takes her first steps into adulthood.
After premiering at RiverRun Film Festival in Winston-Salem North Carolina, the film has screened at festivals around the country, and garnered awards for best new director, score, and cinematography. Internationally, the film was awarded a Jury Prize from the AVIFF Cannes Art Film Festival in France, where it will screen May 21.
The screening tour will come to Bellows Falls, Vt. on June 8 at 6:30 p.m. Barakat and Emmy award winning producers Jennifer Latham and Karlina Lyons will attend all screenings for question and answer sessions.
Full film and tour information are available at the film’s website, www.waywardarkproductions.com.